How to Fix Common Hot Tub Repair Problems

hot tub

Although high-quality hot tubs usually do not need major repairs for years, a few problems can crop up as your spa gets older. Here are a few tips to fix some common problems. These may include a cracked liner, tripped breaker, or a broken pump. If you are unable to diagnose the problem, call a spa repair company at to assess the problem. Then, you can decide whether you want to try to repair the problem yourself or contact a spa repair professional.

hot tub

To repair a faulty pump, you should examine the pump’s seals. A puddle of water under the pump is a common sign that a pump isn’t working properly. If you see these symptoms, you should call a professional hot tub repair service. These companies have experienced hot tub technicians who can fix your tub quickly and accurately. You can also perform the repair yourself if you feel comfortable with the process. In case you’re unsure, you can always refer to the owner’s manual for advice.
The spa’s internal thermostat is an important part of the system, ensuring that the water is at the correct temperature for a safe spa experience. If the spa’s controls consistently shut off or the remote will not connect, it’s likely a problem with the thermostat. If these issues keep occurring, it’s best to get professional assistance. Sometimes, a battery in the remote might be low, or a component in the control panel needs replacing.
While hot tubs are a durable investment, they do break down from time to time. After all, they’re not built to last forever. Over time, parts wear out, so even the best-quality hot tubs need repair from time to time. Hot tub repair prices depend on the issue that needs to be fixed. A basic repair could cost $200 to $500, while a complex issue could cost up to $2,000.
Inspect the water regularly. Dirty filters can affect the water quality, jets, and heating ability of the hot tub. Clean the filters according to the manufacturer’s specifications to prevent any problems in the future. The water pH and sanitizer levels must be correct or else the system will have trouble. If you suspect that the water is not pH or sanitized properly, call a spa repair company to assess the problem.
Depending on where you live, cold weather can cause issues with your hot tub’s plumbing and water chemistry. You should also have your hot tub drained at least three to four months a year to avoid any ice build-up. Regularly draining your spa can save your heating bills, as well as allow you to perform maintenance on your spa’s hardware. A hot tub that has a plethora of plumbing and other components may need repairs.
One of the most common hot tub problems is a leak. Sometimes a hot tub will suddenly lose water without any apparent cause. While this can be difficult to determine, small leaks may not be visible and require a professional to locate. Thankfully, professionals know how to detect leaks and get them repaired quickly. They can also find hidden leaks in hot tubs. If the water level has dropped, contact a professional hot tub repair specialist as soon as possible.
Even if you do not use your hot tub regularly, it’s crucial to perform maintenance on it. The simplest routine involves changing the chemicals and replacing the spa cover. Keeping the water clean and disinfected will reduce the chances of problems occurring down the road. Maintenance can also help you avoid costly repairs. The chemicals you use to maintain the water quality are very inexpensive – around $20 per month. This will keep your hot tub in tip-top shape for years to come.
Regardless of whether you choose a DIY solution or hire a professional, you should keep up with your spa’s chemistry. Weekly testing of water pH and sanitizer levels can help you identify problems before they cause major damage. You should also shock the water if necessary to recharge sanitizer and pH levels. If you fail to do this on a regular basis, you may have a weakened control system.